Jessica Biel, known for her effortlessly chic style, brought a touch of glamour to Fendi’s runway show on February 21 in Milan. Amidst Fashion Month, the Candy actress graced the front row of one of the season’s most esteemed shows, wearing a head-to-toe Fendi ensemble that epitomized “relaxed sex appeal” and effortless beauty.
In an exclusive interview with InStyle, Biel reveals how her look came together, including a unique makeup hack that she swears by, and shares her experience of sitting front row.
The Fashion
Biel chose an outfit from Fendi’s Fall/Winter 2024 collection that perfectly captured the spirit of both the fashion house and the historic city where the show took place. “I selected a dress from the goddess-inspired section of the collection, influenced by ancient Roman statues and art,” she explains.
The ensemble—a pair of thigh-high leather boots paired with an oversized blouse featuring a goddess print—was a striking choice for sitting front row. It also resonated with Biel’s personal style. “[The top] had interesting cutouts in the back, which gave it a relaxed sex appeal,” she notes. “I felt both powerful and elegant in it and could see myself wearing it for a night out or even for business during the day.”
The Beauty
For the Fendi show, she stayed true to her signature style. “The glam was inspired by effortless, chic beauty. We aimed for an easy daytime look that was fresh and playful,” she shares.
To achieve this look, Biel relies on a trusted makeup trick: “I like to choose my lip color first, apply it, and then build the rest of the makeup around that feature.”
The Show
Despite her calm demeanor in the front row, this was Biel’s first Fendi runway show. “It’s my first time attending, and the energy is incredible,” she says. “Everyone is buzzing with excitement.” Biel found the experience invigorating, describing the day as “electrifying and exciting.”
Also Fendi’s FW24 collection showcased a blend of modern tailoring with whimsical touches, featuring rich jewel tones, dusty rose, and mustard yellow.
Biel was particularly drawn to the sheer polka dot skirts and tops from the collection, envisioning them for evening events or outings. Also She also admired the statement coats, especially the dark green long coat, which she found “divine.”